Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Christmas Eve 2011!

The Oaks have a song on their first Christmas album, titled "Happy Christmas Eve".  It's one of my favorites, and everyone should listen to it.  Right now.  NOW!  ha ha... don't have to right at this very moment, I guess.

So.  I've been cleaning and cleaning and cleaning all day.  It feels like it should already be 7pm...but thankfully it's just shy of 2:30pm (at the time I am typing this, anyway).  Unfortunately, that's still not enough time to make any has had the kitchen all day, while dad and I have been cleaning.  He pulls things away from the wall or turns the chairs upside down...and then I vacuum those spots.  I also spent a couple of hours scrubbing the bathroom.  This is not exactly how I would have liked to have spent the first half of my Christmas Eve...but none the less, it's the way it went.  Oh well.  Maybe I'll remember this for next year, and get started a week ahead of time on the cleaning.  ha ha...  After all the cleaning, we'll have family and friends over for our Christmas Eve traditions of sandwiches and finger foods, visiting, and then opening presents.

In the spirit of Christmas Eve....I found some old Christmas pictures last night.  I would like to share them with you all...  :)  But before I do that, I'd like to wish everyone a most wonderful and happy Christmas Eve.  I hope you all have a joyous time today and are able to spend your time with those you love and those who make you happy.   

1973 -- Mom and Dad

1976 -- My first Christmas


1979 -- I LOVED this dress!

1983 -- Preston's first Christmas


Possibly 1989

1979 -- Pop and Grandma

1978 -- with Pop and Grandma

1985 or 1986 -- Dad and Preston

early 1990's

1982 -- Grandma Trill and grandchildren

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