Friday, January 27, 2012

Operation Cookie Box

So...I've come up with a new goal/project for 2012.  Operation Cookie Box.  Yep.  Remembering how much I love to bake cookies...and the smiles they bring to others, especially when they are randomly received...well, that is the inspiration behind Operation Cookie Box.

I have decorated a box....

And I have filled out the names of out of town people from my address book on little cards....

The cards will be folded and put into the box.

The plan is simple.  Once a month, I will bake a batch of cookies.  Different kinds each month, most likely.  After baking, I will pull two names out of the box (after a good shake or two of the box, of course).  Then I'll fix up two packages of the freshly baked cookies...put the address on the box for the randomly chosen names... and mail 'em out!  And then SURPRISE!  The person receiving them, won't know about it until they get them in the mail a couple of days later. 

 I'm really excited about this!  It will be fun!  :)  So make sure I have your current address...because you never know when you might be the one finding a box of cookies at your door...


  1. I really like the sound of Operation Cookie Box! :)

  2. Ok, so now I'll have to move 'out of town' again. Maybe we can just be on the sampling/taste/testing committee.. Hey, you are no longer the 'Pickle Monster', you are now officially the 'Cookie Maker'. Great, go for it, you'll have a good time I know!!!

  3. What a super duper awesome idea!!!

    1. Should I make a separate name card for Jin? hee hee hee...


Malinda Rousey, 1799-1851

226 years ago this Valentine’s Day, one of my 4th Great Grandmothers was born.  Malinda Rousey was born in Amherst County, Virginia, on Feb....