Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's in storage...

For three years, all of my belongings sat in a storage unit.  Last month, we started bringing things to the house to store...and now it's all been gone through and repacked and stored here, free of charge.  :)

I found all kinds of random things while looking through all of my gazillion "boxes of life".  Some brought smiles, some brought giggles, some things I just had to take a moment and stare at before moving along to the next box.  Some things I remembered, while others I'd completely forgotten about.

One of the first days I spent working on boxes, I had my camera with me.... Surprise!  :)

These are just a few of my boxes of pictures and negatives!

I believe this sat on Grandma's desk when she worked as the secretary at Herrin High School.

HA HA HA!!  Fire it up!  I hated it when they said that.  hee hee...  But I do miss my Shiloh Boys.  Some more than others.  :)

This is a piece of my high school gym floor.  Preston found this somewhere in a pile of junk or something, after my high school was torn down.  He salvaged it (or stole it, ha ha) for me.

From an autograph book I had in grade school.  Mrs. Long was my 4th grade teacher, and one of my most favorite teachers.

Autographs from Mandy (in my class), Jaimee (grew up in church with), and Tawnya (best friend from the neighborhood and same class)

Autograph from Holli...ha ha ha...  :)

This was a different autograph book.  This is from Frieda, my old babysitter.  She was like another grandma-figure to me.

My employee badge from the summer I worked at Opryland.

There is some funny stuff in here...

My electronic fortune cookie!!!  :)  And it still worked, without having to have new batteries.

Then there were some loose pictures I found...all in random boxes, of course.  :)  I don't know why they weren't in the actual photo boxes.  ha ha

Ahhh...Maui.  How I long to see you again!

Robot Preston.

Crazy Preston and Unsuspecting Stacey.

Baby Daphne puppy!!!

My birthday party in 2nd grade, I think.  At McDonald's, where all the cool kids partied.

On a youth trip.  I can't think of where this was...obviously a photo booth somewhere.  I think this was the trip we did to DC.  So maybe this was at Kings Island?

And then I found my Belmont yearbooks...this is from freshman year.  Recognize that guy, anyone?  

1994-1995 Belmont University yearbook, my Freshman year.  Pictured 2nd from left, Brad Paisley.  His last semester was my first semester.

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